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“I really wanted travel abroad for work and make a little money. I found and advertisement on Facebook for domestic work in Germany, no language knowledge needed. I called the number from the ad and a very nice Slovak lady, Jana, answered and invited me for coffee. We met in town, she had been waiting for me with another woman interested in the job.

Jana explained to us that the work consists in housework for 8 hours a day. They were to pay us €400 per week in cash. She also told us that there is a lot of work to do and that we need to leave on Thursday already. Jana traveled with us on the bus, but told us after Prague that we would be meeting men in Czechia and making money by providing sex. We were frightened in that moment and didn’t know what to do. During a short break at a gas station Jana ran off somewhere and I confided to an unknown lady sitting behind us in the bus. She immediately contacted the police who arrived shortly after and saved us.”