Work safely and do not become a victim of modern slavery

The majority of job offers in Slovakia and abroad are safe. Yet, there are people who are ready to deceive and exploit you. Here you will find information about what to watch out for to avoid risky job offers, about where to look for help if you are having a bad job experience, and about how to safely travel abroad for work.


I'm looking for work

Advertisements on social networks or job portals, job offers from acquaintances… We look for jobs in various places, but not all job offers are safe. A quick job "through an acquaintance", a job "off the books", or a job via an uncertified employment agency can end up in exploitation or human trafficking.

Think carefully about the job offer. Call us and get free advice on the job offer you are considering.

Check the safety of the job offer. checkBig.svg

Fill out the checklist and download your answers.

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If you did not check off all the items on the checklist, find out what you are entitled to at work! Find the contacts here.

0907 787 374

0850 211 478

+421 908 767 853 (konzultácie v ukrajinčine a ruštine)

0800 800 818

527 @SafeMigrationBot

Download the filled out checklist

More than half of human trafficking victims were offered a job by an acquaintance (friend, new partner, neighbor, compatriot). Human trafficking victims include men, women and children of all ages, educational backgrounds or any social standing.

There are situations that call for extra vigilance. Be careful when:

the job offer is arranged by a friend, an acquaintance, a contact from a social network, or others;

the job offer is arranged by a friend, an acquaintance, a contact from a social network, or others;

the agency or the employer changes terms at the last minute and creates confusion;

the agency or the employer changes terms at the last minute and creates confusion;

someone wants you to submit personal documents for arranging a job or a work permit;

someone wants you to submit personal documents for arranging a job or a work permit;

the job offer was found on a social network;

the job offer was found on a social network;

someone asks you to work

someone asks you to work "off the books" – without a contract.

you are pressured to decide quickly;

you are pressured to decide quickly;

Only agencies with a valid certificate may arrange jobs!

If you want to get employed via an agency, check the following points: checkBig.svg

If you want to get employed via an agency, check the following points:

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If you did not check off all the items on the checklist, contact any of the lines just to be sure. The service is free.

0907 787 374

0850 211 478

+421 908 767 853 (konzultácie v ukrajinčine a ruštine)

0800 800 818

527 @SafeMigrationBot

Download the filled out checklist

I'm already working and need advice

Were you deceived? The original agreement on pay, work hours or job description does not apply anymore? Were you threatened when you wanted to leave a job you were not happy with? Do you not feel safe at work? Do you only get paid a part of the promised wage? This may be a case of exploitation or human trafficking.

If you have any bad experience working in Slovakia, call us and get free advice. We also speak English and Ukrainian.

This checklist will help you assess whether your job situation is safe. Seek help if: warning.svg

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If you checked off at least one item on the checklist, contact any of the lines and get free advice just to be sure.

0907 787 374

0850 211 478

+421 908 767 853 (konzultácie v ukrajinčine a ruštine)

0800 800 818

527 @SafeMigrationBot

Download the filled out checklist

I'm planning to travel for work

Working abroad brings with it many opportunities, but also challenges. The foreign language, unfamiliar environment, absence of family and friends can increase the likelihood of finding yourself in a risky situation abroad. Thorough preparation for travel and work abroad decreases the risk of exploitation and human trafficking.

Planning to live or work in another country? Call us and get free advice on how to prepare well for the planned trip and work abroad.

This checklist will help you asses the safety of your trip checkBig.svg

Fill out the checklist and download your answers.

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If you are planning to travel for work but did not check off all the items on the checklist,
get free advice and information about how to best prepare for the trip and avoid risks.

0907 787 374

0850 211 478

+421 908 767 853 (konzultácie v ukrajinčine a ruštine)

0800 800 818

527 @SafeMigrationBot

Download the filled out checklist

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, it is not your fault. It can happen to anyone! Remember your right to protection. If someone deceived or exploited you, you will be deemed a victim, not a perpetrator, and you have the right for help.